Monday, 16 December 2019

Way of Global Placement Services Growth in the Improving Economy

The Real-Time Game Changer - Re-Skilling Candidates to Bridge the Talent Shortage
Skills shortages have become part of recruitment industry. With over talented candidates to under performers, the problem of skilled talent is well-cited as extract of various surveys. Presently, the problem is getting worse with increasing demand of specific professional talent pool. Re-skilling is coming at surface as the solution that can solve the problem of unemployment and skill shortage simultaneously.
Here Re-skilling is referred as the combination of retraining and up-skilling the existing talent pool as per their own interest. On the whole, it is the process of updating workers with the highly applicable skills of modern workplaces. In this effort the agency can help candidates to turn their outmoded skills by opting online courses, academic training and apprenticeship programs.
Indeed, re-skilling is not a one day task and surely requires investment of time, money and efforts, but it is a success sure path in the present time of talent driven market.

Digital Transformation to Remain Competitive
In modern workplaces, digital transformation has become one of the favorite songs of the hour. On many topics, the room may split, but this is the topic that will surely get overwhelming unanimous support. It is critical for organization's to step in these new shoes to remain competitive in business.
Technology has the power to change the culture and work practices of companies including the HR functions. Hence, Global Placement Services can’t reach global recruitment business unless they adopt the technology. No doubt, digitization requires resources and investment, though the long-term benefits of efficiency and cost-savings are more evident.
Whatever the impetus, it is the urgency of hour to step up for adopting digitalization in every form. Also, it is the quest to become future-proof.

Understanding the Demand of New Labor Models
The world of work is observing continuous changes driven by new-edge connectivity and inclusion of technology in every segment. Acceleration given by the touch of Artificial Intelligence, robotics, and digitalization has been changing the olden work culture. Not only these cognitive tools are reinventing the work practices but also creating room for welcoming new labor models.
Many times referred as the “augmented workforce”, is the new type of labor demand in the progressive work environment. Along with this, the organizations are looking for freelancing, work from home and other options in hiring talent to gather speed to remain competitive.
This is the time Placement agencies can bring best foot forward by supplying this kind of alternative talent pool for the new work world.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

How Placement Consultants Are An Advantage For Employee And Employer?

An Efficient Job Consultant is a Ladder to Resource Best Talent for the Company
Consultants are experts in their field and companies hire them to supplement their staffing department. More upon it, they are hired for limited duration contract which helps in saving the costs of hiring a full-time employee. Their paid knowledge and experience help to quickly get into the required talent pool. Further, the assistance of consultant helps in quickly resolving talent crunch issues for the employer.

Hand of Help for Employees Who Want To Get Hired At Their Dream Jobs
Efficient recruitment consultants use all popular means of advertisements to source best talent for the employers. Resourceful consultants also have readily available candidatures to refer for a vacancy. In this way, they can land a hand of help for candidates who want to get hired by their dream employer.

Not Just a Sales Person, Placement Consultant Has More Rewarding Roles to Play! 
An organization wishing to recruit best industry talent and a candidate admiring to get hired by an esteemed organization, a placement consultant could be the link to connect both. Bridging the gap between employee and employer is the role that Job placement consultants play for living. How come this role can be limited to the definition of sales role? Primarily, he is selling the job to job seeker and candidate to the employer indeed but significance of his role is a lot more than this!

From publishing ads to different print and online media, a recruiter plays an important role in sourcing best available talent. The title of ‘middleman’ would be more suitable for Job Consultants from both employer and employee perspective.

Channel of Communication between Employee and Employer
For employer placement consultants work to save time and efforts in sourcing worthy candidatures for the open position. Following the initial screening procedure, they help to segregate resumes that are potentially good fit for employer. Also, after the hiring process they help employer to improve at root levels to create a more productive and constructive healthy work environment. Even some consultants also provide workshops to improve the skills of the employees.

Easy Breezy Hiring Process with the Best Placement Consultants at Work
There are thousands of candidates that apply for the job when any esteemed organization advertises vacancies. From all over the country candidates apply to get hired and in this hustle bustle, only the best Placement consultant can help to pick up the right candidate.

Easy breezy hiring process is possible as job consultants do the initial screening and source the right candidate according to their criteria.

For job seekers consultants helps to access openings in the particular field with clear listing of big and small players. Candidate can apply and attend interview with the right company that best suits based on his or her credentials and experience. 

Sunday, 4 August 2019

3S Plan to Best Use Recruitment Consultancy – A Comprehensive Guide

Your Resume, Career Path and Investment in a Recruitment Consultancy

No matter how long you’ve been working in the sector, your next career move isn’t easy without job consultancy. Choosing a right agency is the key to success while considering change for better career. However, with thousands of pieces of advice accessible on internet and otherwise, anyone can feel perplex to choose what will really work. Considering this as major constraints, here we are presenting a comprehensive guide. This guide can help you cut through the noise and best use consultancy services that suit your career plan.

A quick glance on what we are focusing in this read –
  • Sourcing recruitment agency
  • Strategizing improvement plan
  • Scrutinizing practices for practical results
Are you executing the best practices to stay ahead in the talent pool of your field? Golden key that can open door for success in career is here. Take a look at these essential points to see how you can improve.

Streamline the Process of Sourcing Recruitment Agency

Choosing the right agency is the first step. Essentially, hiring someone with comprehensive understanding of your skill sets and field is the wise thing. Recruiter, having flair of your skills, can thoroughly help in building your career. Hence, the candidate can gain best assistance for career progression and use market knowledge of the manpower consultancy.
Information on specific opportunities is the key to crack the nutshell and without right recruiter it is not possible.

Strategizing Improvement Plan

Additional benefits of good recruiter other than presenting job opportunities. The add on benefits of gaining useful advice on interviewing techniques, salary expectations and progression paths along with structuring resume are there too.
Moreover, without help of recruitment consultancy you may even miss to get senior position opportunities as these are not always made public.
Your client base consultancy can work align with your career goals and ensure your success and improvement.

Scrutinizing Practices for Practical Results

Taking ownership of your CV is always important even if you have hired a consultancy. Not knowing the whereabouts of your CV can bring down your career graph. Furthermore, your consultancy should work in shaping your career and not on the model of commission. You must have complete control over your CV and your information must not be compromised anywhere without your consent.
Hire a recruitment agency that doesn’t work on commission basis, is a good choice. On the other scenario, commission base recruiters can override your needs as a candidate. In such case, consultants focusing on client retention, repeating business and candidate referrals, are way better choice.

Credibility and Candidate Care to Build Confidence

Comprehensively, the credibility of consultant and their candidate care policy are must for stepping into a trusted working partnership. Sometimes, this kind of partnership is strong enough to last for entire working career rather than a one-off transaction. The experience of recruiter in your field and their policy to act responsibly on your behalf is essential for building your confidence on the recruitment consultancy.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Let The Specialists Recruit The Master Brains For Your Organisation

The fact that the efficient and effective functioning at the topmost executive level positions plays a key role in the success of an organisation, it is absolutely vital to give the keys in the right hands! This further suggests that the process must begin as early as the recruitment of the executives for an important position. But the challenge for a contemporary organisation appears in many forms such as the lack of in-house research/hunting resources, small professional networks and inadequate evaluative skills to recruit a suitable person to a strategic position.      

The good news is that the solution to this problem is rather simple than abstruse. The executive search firm that operates on a national or international platform can perform the task of headhunting for high positions such as CEO, COO, vice-president or president of an organization in a way that a client organization may find itself handicapped with. As these firms are equipped with the relevant resources, it is easier for them to hunt for the most suitable candidate as per the expectations/requirements of their client. 

There are many advantages that an executive search consultant such as Global Hunt India Pvt. Ltd. presents. They are as follows-
  • They have the freedom to fish for the candidates who are presently engaged with their client’s competitors without a necessity for the client to do it directly. This enables the client organization to save their brand name from being tagged for all the wrong reasons!
  • The client can leverage the expertise in a specific industry sector(s) of these firms for better results.
  • The vast pool of candidates offers a wider range of shortlisted candidates to the client organization.
As the passive sourcing methodologies doesn’t serve the purpose when it comes to bringing onboard the highly qualified and seasoned professionals for top level executive positions, it becomes an unsaid truth that success/desired results come only through the expert recruiters. A client organisation may choose to enter into either a contingent (payment done after fruitful project completion) or retained (payment done for the process, in three stages, according to the expected remuneration of the executive) type of contract with a firm engaged for executive search.

Apart from the recruitment for senior most levels, an executive search firm is also sometimes engaged to hunt for lower levels where there is less number of potential candidates in the job market due to various reasons such as demanding typical educational qualification, lengthy experience, nature of job or job location. The typical requirements of a job position may be catered to well by these firms as they specialize in recruitment for positions that are most likely strategic in nature.

In a nutshell, it is a potent idea to hire a firm for executive search rather than rely on unproductive resources to achieve tangible and best results that set the stage for acceleration of the organisation’s growth plans. Investing in such a specialized recruitment consultant that may or may not operate globally is something that should be given a careful thought for future success.

Sunday, 27 January 2019

Recruiters: The Talent Advisers Than Just Talent Finders

The intelligence of automation and robotics have penetrated so effectively within the HR domain that now companies are investing in building within organizational tools and technologies that can assist their HR managers and leaders to find the right one. This when looked from an overall perspective defines a step ahead innovation in the HR domain. But does this means that very little space is left for recruitment firms? Actually no! With interfacing of AI within HR the recruitment firms have altogether undergone a change in their overall consulting. From Talent Finders they are now Talent Advisers.

When AI is making the HR process fast and effective recruitment firms as Talent advisers are adding human touch based knowledge feeding to this process. By defining the scope of need in respect what are the hiring trends towards a particular skill, what niche skills are being focused on during hiring, available market pay scale, potential competitive resource available, competitors organizational cultural & behavioral practices, skills expectations and delivery mechanisms a talent advisory is able to direct the navigation of the AI in the right direction.

Moreover with the increasing inclination towards AI the recruitment firms are themselves analytically evaluating their service delivery mechanisms where by introducing robotic process they are identifying the areas of creating better customer experience throughout the hiring and induction process.

Technology is giving a scope to talent advisers to explore what skill matrix do their clients’ needs to expand, what skills are being hired by their client competitors, what kind of skilled talent is available and how as talent finders they can evaluate various talent pool as per the required skill matrix.

The HR world is evolving with time and we are in a phase were best innovative approaches are being explored, introduced and adopted by the organizations and recruitment firms. This is opening and redefining the space of Talent Advisers to search the best.