Tuesday, 11 February 2020

What Recruitment Agencies Look In A Resume?

Recruitment agencies get enthusiastic responses from candidates for job postings and they have limited time to spend on initial screening of resumes. According to some studies, recruiters make their decision of picking up any resume within an average of three to seven seconds. Not to forget, if your resume fails to grab attention of the eye movement of a recruiter in this short span, you will miss interview call for the next level.
  • So, what is that ‘WOW factor’ that can outshine the rest of the pile and make your resume worthy?
  • How can your resume do impressive talking to make a lasting first impression within six seconds?
  • Have you updated your resume to face the challenge?
  • How to mould resume as per job advertisement to grab attention of recruiter initially?
  • This is important as most of the Recruitment agencies generally get paid by companies and they are free for you. Hence, it’s completely upon you to use their services as an excellent resource for your job search.
The WOW Factor – Clear and Concise Format

What is actually the eye of a recruiter looking in any resume? Definitely recruiter is looking for name, current title, previous job details, education and duration of work at any job like obvious things. However, it is important how your resume highlights all these to grab attention of his or her eye movement in a few seconds. Clear and concise information is the simplest thing that can make your resume stand out from the crowd.

Resume That Impressively Talk About You

You have worked hard to earn experience at work, invested time to develop skills, obtained training to boost your professional profile and also working to polish networking skills. Even after covering all the aspects of a perfect profile, if your resume is not capable of conveying all your hard work and skills, your chances of getting your dream job are less.

You must understand the importance of having an impressive resume. Here the quality of resume that recruiters are looking for is comprised of explaining your strong entitlement on the offered job. Also not to forget, you have only a few seconds to talk about your professional strength to grab the attention of the recruiters.

Here are some points that can help in makeover of your resume as per the recruitment agencies perspective-
  1. Take time to read the job posting properly and then make your resume relevant accordingly.
  2. Recheck your resume before posting for the job for keywords of job advertisements. Incorporate those highlighted keywords in your job application.
  3. You must include relevant information that confirms your suitability for the job profile. For example there is an opening for content writer profile with experience in travel writing. Many candidates with a trajectory of success in diverse fields can apply for the position, but a recruiter will surely give preference to those who are exclusively contributing as Travel Content Writer.
  4. Professional history should have power to sell you as a potent future work force for the employer. Do highlight your key competencies and achievements to showcase your skills on the desk.
GlobalHunt Takeaway

“Your resume must crisply tell your professional tale to recruitment agencies that they fall for it.”

This is the only thing that you must remember while writing your resume for your dream job. In a few seconds you have to convince the recruiter that you are the face that employers would love to see onboard. With your skills, experience and education, there is nothing that can stop you. Be selective to choose your words and highlight your key potentials in your resume in a way that recruiter glue his or her eyes on your resume, spontaneously.

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